Fuck you bankers.
Im not talking about the guys who make $30 million a year and who are CEO's and Board members. Im talking about the guy making $250K a year but acts like he makes $30 mil a year. The guy who talks big, plays softball on Wednesday night, and tips the bouncer at Marquee $100 so he can get his skank girl and douchebag friend inside.
That guy is getting what he deserves right now. You lost all your money, you lost all your client's money and now you're fucked. You know why? Because you just weren't very good at your job. Yeah, you worked long hours and made 100 phone calls a day when you were 24 but that didn't give you the right to act like an asshole. But you did anyway. You know who you are.
The market has corrected itself. Post-Enron, everyone is transparent, accounting is legit. If this were to happen ten years ago, guys like you would have covered up your mistakes with some accounting tricks and the market and the country would have been none wiser. But now, when you make a mistake, you pay for it. When you get greedy, you pay for it. You gambled with money you couldn't afford to lose and now you don't have a job.
Im happy. Wall St will be better off 2 years from now because guys like you will be selling ad space for radio stations and cutting deals at the Ronkonkama Toyota dealership. The bankers that are smart, educated and humble will have built their portfolios and companies back up and everything will be fine.
Its like a colonic. The good stuff stays and is healthier because you are gone. You were the poop in my intestine.
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