Friday, October 17, 2008

F You banker guy.

Fuck you bankers.  

Im not talking about the guys who make $30 million a year and who are CEO's and Board members.  Im talking about the guy making $250K a year but acts like he makes $30 mil a year.  The guy who talks big, plays softball on Wednesday night, and tips the bouncer at Marquee $100 so he can get his skank girl and douchebag friend inside.  

That guy is getting what he deserves right now.  You lost all your money, you lost all your client's money and now you're fucked.  You know why?  Because you just weren't very good at your job. Yeah, you worked long hours and made 100 phone calls a day when you were 24 but that didn't give you the right to act like an asshole.   But you did anyway.  You know who you are.

The market has corrected itself.  Post-Enron, everyone is transparent, accounting is legit.  If this were to happen ten years ago, guys like you would have covered up your mistakes with some accounting tricks and the market and the country would have been none wiser. But now, when you make a mistake, you pay for it.  When you get greedy, you pay for it.  You gambled with money you couldn't afford to lose and now you don't have a job.    

Im happy.  Wall St will be better off 2 years from now because guys like you will be selling ad space for radio stations and cutting deals at the Ronkonkama Toyota dealership.  The bankers that are smart, educated and humble will have built their portfolios and companies back up and everything will be fine.  

Its like a colonic.  The good stuff stays and is healthier because you are gone. You were the poop in my intestine.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

F You girls w/skateboards

What the fuck?  Skateboards are the new accessory?

I just saw a youngish looking chick, cute, tight jeans, Air Jordans, t-shirt, etc...holding a skateboard while walking down the street.  

I realized that I've been seeing this alot.  

This girl doesn't actually ride, she just holds.  Like a purse.  She thinks the board will give her some street cred.  Make her look cool.  Its like a purse but for tom-boy types.

I understand why girls wear accessories, purses and all that crap but this is crossing the line.  

Im calling this girl out next time.  "Hey sister, let me see you ollie, grind that rail"  

Oh you cant?  Go fuck yourself.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

F you hipsters

Hipsters are just wannabes who never made it.  Fucking losers.

But they're so narcissistic they still feel the need to draw attention to themselves.  Beards, cut off jeans, tattoos, plaid shirts, ironic clothes.

Hey toolbag, its not cool to look like a piece of white trash.  You are not a redneck. Rednecks are rednecks for a reason.  They're poor, uneducated. They work with their hands. Manual labor.  

By dressing like a redneck, hipsters are just making excuses for themselves.  They're overeducated, bitter, posers.  By pretending to be an artist they are just putting off responsibility.  

Believe me, if your career had taken off or if you came into some money, you'd be living in a loft in Tribeca or Soho.  Not in some ironic 5th floor walkup on Union Ave.

Go fuck yourselves.  But before that, get me a Heineken.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

F you gays in California

Why are you gays and lesbos in a such a rush to get married?  Last time I checked, every guy married longer than 5 years is miserable.  And when they get divorced, which eventually they will, whether its after 10 years or 25 years, they will get divorced.  When they get divorced they will have to give half their money and the house to their ex.  Plus alimony and whatever else. Sounds like good times.

California has the strongest domestic partnership laws in the country.  So you are capable of putting your partner on your medical and ancillary benefit plans without marriage.  

What else is there? Tax breaks?  Who cares.  Joint parenting laws?  Why would you want kids? That poor kid with two daddies is going to take a beating from all the other regular 3rd graders.  Have you ever seen Chelsea on a warm Thursday night in the summer.  Its like the gay parade down 8th Ave.  Dudes everywhere. Rainbows. Triangles. Partying.  Loving life.  If you had a kid you'd be home watching Thomas the Tank Engine for the 300th time.  

So just relax and go F yourselves.  Literally.  Enjoy your life. Remember the grass is always greener.

F You livery cabs and taxis

Do you really have to honk at me when the light turns green, even though Im already moving and the light has been green for .002 seconds?  Really?  How much time do you save in an 8 hour shift by honking at every red light?  18 seconds?  F you taxis.  

Instead of making me move forward you make me want to slam on my brakes, put the car in Park and sit there for a few minutes drinking coffee, just to spite your annoying ass.

I know you went to college back in Mumbai and your life pretty much sucks here in NYC but you're not the only one in the city who drives for a living.  I drive almost every day and I dont feel the need to lay on my horn at every red light.  Its not about you toolbag.  Your honking will not make traffic move any faster.    

Take my credit card bitch!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

F you Isiah Thomas

Fuck you Isiah. You have ruined pro basketball in this city.  I was lucky enough to get floor seats to the game vs. the Hawks last week. I watched you the whole time. You didn't stand up once during the game.  You didn't argue one call, you didn't yell at any of the players.  At one point the center, Zach Randolph, took 3 straight 3 pointers.  The last was an airball.  It looked like he was laughing when he shot it.  
The players hate you, the fans hate you. David Stern thinks you're a loser and you're a convicted sexual harrasser.
I wish I could kidnap your cocky ass from your ivory tower at 34 and 7th, lash you to the back of a Ford F-150 and drag you through the Bronx, Queens and Harlem so the real Knick fans could show you how they feel.  

F you New York City radio

Fuck you New York radio stations.  Your content sucks.  I drive around all day for my job and all I get is two terrible rap stations, one classic rock, one alt rock and one rock.  (Nirvana again!  the guy died 20 years ago.  let it go!) 

But the worst is the morning. I like talk radio in the AM.  All I get is Opie and Anthony!  Those fucking pickle smokers are about as funny as Howard Sterns left nut.  

Is it really too hard to get Adam Corrolla's show on 92.3 ?  I know he is in LA and there is a 3 hour time difference, but funny is funny.  Even if its on from 9am to Noon or even the next day he is still 500 times funnier than O&A.  All those clowns do is invite other comedians on and have them talk for an hour to help get them through the day.  They're like frat boys who haven't come out of the closet yet.  

F you radio.  I wish I could afford Sirius.

F you Spitzer!

Fuck you Eliot Spitzer!  My fiance asked me 4 times this week if I was banging hookers on the side.  Thanks for the fucking headache you idiot.  

Because of your self destructive habits, me and millions of other men in relationships have had to endure under the breath comments and annoying questions from our women about our faithfulness and commitment.    

Should've used cash. Dumbass.