Tuesday, September 16, 2008

F You girls w/skateboards

What the fuck?  Skateboards are the new accessory?

I just saw a youngish looking chick, cute, tight jeans, Air Jordans, t-shirt, etc...holding a skateboard while walking down the street.  

I realized that I've been seeing this alot.  

This girl doesn't actually ride, she just holds.  Like a purse.  She thinks the board will give her some street cred.  Make her look cool.  Its like a purse but for tom-boy types.

I understand why girls wear accessories, purses and all that crap but this is crossing the line.  

Im calling this girl out next time.  "Hey sister, let me see you ollie, grind that rail"  

Oh you cant?  Go fuck yourself.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

F you hipsters

Hipsters are just wannabes who never made it.  Fucking losers.

But they're so narcissistic they still feel the need to draw attention to themselves.  Beards, cut off jeans, tattoos, plaid shirts, ironic clothes.

Hey toolbag, its not cool to look like a piece of white trash.  You are not a redneck. Rednecks are rednecks for a reason.  They're poor, uneducated. They work with their hands. Manual labor.  

By dressing like a redneck, hipsters are just making excuses for themselves.  They're overeducated, bitter, posers.  By pretending to be an artist they are just putting off responsibility.  

Believe me, if your career had taken off or if you came into some money, you'd be living in a loft in Tribeca or Soho.  Not in some ironic 5th floor walkup on Union Ave.

Go fuck yourselves.  But before that, get me a Heineken.